
4 Things To Consider When Hiring A Demolition Contractor

It’s important to take precautions before you hire a demolition contractor. Demolition is not something that you should tackle on your own. Youtube videos are no substitute for the expertise of a trained professional! Trying to perform a demolition yourself will definitely cost you most in the long run than if you hire a pro. There’s much more to the job than breaking things or blowing them up. Getting rid of something you find ugly or useless might be a relief, but it can’t be your only consideration. You’ve got to think about the impact the demolition will have outside of the immediate effect. Also, demolition can be dangerous. Why risk your own physical wellbeing?

Allsteel Recycling is an experienced specialised metal demolition contractor and service provider. We have the knowledge and flexibility to handle every part of a demolition project. Whether it’s expected or unexpected, we have the tools – literally and figuratively – for the job.

Here are a few things you need to consider before you hire a demolition contractor.

Does Your Demolition Contractor Have References?

It’s one thing to check the reviews of a company on their website. You should also consider reaching out to these reviewers. Asking them the right questions will give you a lot of information. Do they have complaints? Did the demolition contractor have the proper documentation? Licenses and certifications? What permits did you need, and did the company handle them for you? A lot of these are questions you can also direct to the demolition contractor. Still, it helps to get a range of opinions. The Occupational Health & Safety Administration (OSHA) is also a great resource. Check with them for info about the demolition contractor’s track record. This is especially important if you’re doing commercial and residential work.

How Will You Function While The Demolition Contractor Works?

If your bathroom is being demolished, where are you going to shower? If your bedroom is being demolished, where are you going to sleep? If your office is being demolished, where are you going to work? These seem like obvious questions, but they’re very, very important considerations. A demolition can mean your whole premises are out of action for a significant amount of time. Even a one-room demolition can make a whole house is unsafe. Your business may have to switch locations. Sort out a backup plan before you hire a demolition contractor. This will help you ensure that the whole process runs as smooth as possible.

How Much Can You Spend On A Demolition Contractor?

Having a budget is essential. Always leave some wiggle room in there for when and if things go awry. A demolition may uncover necessary repairs that you were unaware of. You might remove a kitchen sink and discover an urgent leak. The demolition might take longer than expected, and you need room in the budget for that. Get a few estimates before you decide on a demolition contractor. That way you can make sure you choose the one that fits your budget.

Is The Demolition Contractor Showing Any Red Flags?

Here are a few things to keep an eye out for. If your prospective demolition contractor does any of these, walk away. A reliable demolition contractor will not:

  • Ask for payment in full before the project begins. This tends to mean they’re using your money to buy materials. A trustworthy, experienced contractor will already have the necessary materials. It’s also wise to avoid paying in cash.
  • Make you an offer that’s too good to be true. If the quote you receive is way lower than other quotes out there, something is amiss. If they say they can get the job done in no time at all, something is amiss. Chances are that a demolition contractor making these claims is lacking in experience.
  • Lack insurance. A good demolition contractor will always have insurance. If they don’t, you’ll be liable in the event of an accident. Don’t get caught out.

Allsteel Recycling – A Trustworthy Demolition Contractor

A good demolition contractor won’t make you feel like you need to watch over them. A demolition contractor you can trust is a valuable thing. Allsteel Recycling ticks all the boxes mentioned in this article. You can be sure that if you choose them for a demolition job, you won’t have to micromanage them. You can let them get on with the job without concern for how it’s going.

Get in touch with Allsteel Recycling now if you’re looking for a demolition contractor.

Mat Gilby

Mat Gilby

Allsteel Recycling